Atlanta CEO

Flashpoint Founder Merrick Furst on Building a Better Start-Up

As part of the Atlanta CEO Council thought leadership series, OneBigIdea, Merrick Furst delivered a talk on the idea behind what makes Flashpoint work. The talk and slides are contained in this 30-minute video.  Atlanta CEO Council OneBigIdea Series, May 19, 2014

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May 19: Building a Better Startup

It’s the final week to register for Atlanta CEO Council Executive Reception and a chance to hear Flashpoint founder Merrick Furst talk startups as part of the Council thought leadership series, #OBISeries. Flashpoint applies specific startup engineering methodology to an entrepreneurial idea. Members of the current class of Flashp0int entrepreneurs will be on hand to discuss their […]

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Merrick Furst: Entrepreneurs – Bold Visionaries or Bean Counters?

Are entrepreneurs bold visionaries who make their dreams a reality or bean counters who test and adjust details to fit their customer’s needs? Merrick Furst, Georgia Tech Distinguished Professor and founder of Flashpoint will share his unique approach to start up success as part of our OneBigIdea Series on May 19, 2014 at 5:45 pm. […]

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