Monday, March 11 Executive Reception
5:45 – 6:15 pm.
Today medical scans produce thousands of images and terabytes of data for a single cancer patient, but how do doctors analyze this information and determine what is useful? As a personalized treatment monitoring tool, medical imaging significantly changes patient management and selection of treatment options based on continuously monitoring treatment-induced changes.
Dr. Fox, an expert in cancer imaging and co-founder of Velocity Medical Solutions, presents “Big data approach to image-guided cancer therapies” and discusses its long term impact on cancer patient management and outcomes.
Dr. Tim Fox, Ph.D., is Director of Medical Physics for Department of Radiation Oncology at Emory University School of Medicine. He provides leadership for Radiation Oncology at Emory University in the clinical service, teaching and research areas which includes Grady Hospital, Emory University Hospital Midtown, VA Atlanta Hospital, Saint Joseph’s Hospital along with Emory Clinc where over 2500 patients are treated annually.
Dr. Fox received his M.S. and Ph.D. from Georgia Tech with the Department of Nuclear Engineering in 1994. He is certified by the American Board of Radiology in Therapeutic Radiologic Physics. He is author/co-author on more than 75 research articles and abstracts as well as five book chapters. He has been invited to speak at many national professional meetings and seminars on the subject of medical imaging and cancer therapy. He has participated as a guest teacher at ten continuing education lectureships.