If you missed the Atlanta CEO Council event at Junior Achievement’s Chick-Fil-A Discovery Center, you missed a terrific evening. More than 100 people toured the Center, bid on special Silent Auction items, networked and contributed to Junior Achievement make a difference .
December 9, 2014 was the annual social and philanthropic event hosted by the Atlanta CEO Council for friends and family. Thanks to many generous supporters, the Council has donated more than $50,000 and countless hours from volunteers in helping create the Discovery Center.
At Junior Achievement’s Discovery Center, students experience the responsibility of personal and business finance. This one of a kind facility brings classroom instruction to life.
The Atlanta CEO Council is proud to be a leader in the Junior Achievement effort to teach business and entrepreneurship to students. With more than 30,000 students participating every year, the program has the chance to truly make a difference in the lives of young people.