Recent news has not been kind to the metro Atlanta area. We’ve taken hits for “snowpocalypse” and a recent remark from Atlanta’s Mayor Kasim Reed emphasized a statistic that most of the tech community already knows: 50% of Georgia Tech grads leave town.
The Atlanta CEO Council is working to expand our members’ exposure to the best and brightest talent. Dr. Mark Bauerlein’s 2013 #OBISeries discussion of millennials pointed out the critical connection they make between work and lifestyle and how that drives their choices.
On March 3, Buckhead Community Improvement District Executive Director Jim Durrett will talk about what they are doing to create the kind of environment attractive to the next generation of employees.
Jim’s expertise in transportation, land use and livable communities provides a unique perspective on how to leverage “quality of life” assets to recruit and retain top talent.
For more information on joining the Atlanta CEO Council and hearing Jim’s March 3 presentation, visit our Join page.