brought together two Atlanta heavyweight CTOs in a mentoring session about scaling within the role of a CTO. Eric & Tim thank you for your leadership and support of the Atlanta product technology community.
Several years ago, (thanks to Andrew Badstubner) ATL CTO partnered with Atlanta CEO Council to build key relationships and create more inspiring executive leaders in Atlanta, GA.
“ATL CTO gathers the best and brightest product development tech leaders. Then, we bring them together to network and collaborate. We’re all about learning from each other. Plain & simple. We bring great people together to exchange innovative ideas. We’re united by our passion for building technology, right here in Atlanta.”
Thanks to the ATL CTO leadership team!
Nandu Shah | Travlin McCormack | Ennis Bragg | Jay Sandhaus | Minaz Vastani | Richard Powers | Stephen Dyer | Thomas Lee
#CTO #mentor #ATLCTO #ChiefTechnologyOfficer #Mailchimp #NCR
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