Atlanta CEO

Georgia Tech People and Technology Forum 2014

Georgia Tech’s Institute for People and Technology hosts its annual People & Technology Forum on November 11-12, 2014 at the Georgia Tech Global Learning Center. Atlanta CEO Council members receive a 50% discount by using the code IPATCEO14 at You must register by October 31 for the discount. This 2014 Forum will focus on “Connected Life” with keynotes and panel discussions providing thought-provoking […]

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#OBISeries September 30 Thad Starner on Google Glass

Google Glass is coming on line next year and the Atlanta CEO Council has the chance to hear from one of its lead developers on September 30. Thad Starner,  wearable computing pioneer, Professor in the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Tech, and Technical Lead on Google’s Glass, will discuss one of his projects and its medical […]

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