Atlanta CEO

Executive Learning|Leadership, Growth, Management

The September #OBISeries speaker Karen Walker focused on the 5 key elements for executives to leverage unrealized potential in her talk “Closing the Growth Gap”. To get in touch with Karen, visit her website. Look for  video of Karen’s talk on this site soon. Dates you need to know: October 15 –  “Managing Multiple Generations” Executive Breakfast. […]

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Leadership and Growth, September 22 #OBISeries

Effective Leadership for Company Growth What is the magic that makes a great leader and a great company? Karen Walker, our #OBISeries speaker for September, will speak on Closing the Growth Gap with a focus on creating and sustaining growth through a strategic framework for leadership. As an early employee and Vice President at Compaq Computer Corporation, Karen was […]

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Pain Control Through Technology

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Preview July 21 #OBISeries on Big Data

Jennifer Priestley on Big Data

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The Talent Challenge

The growing economy is good news but also drives competition for talent. Blake Patton, Atlanta CEO Council board member, entrepreneur and managing partner of Tech Square Ventures, sees and hears everyday about the need for the development and retention of talent. “Working with partners like the Metro Chamber and TAG, we access a pipeline for […]

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Great Night at Junior Achievement

If you missed the Atlanta CEO Council event at Junior Achievement’s Chick-Fil-A Discovery Center,  you missed a terrific evening. More than 100 people toured the Center, bid on special Silent Auction items, networked and contributed to Junior Achievement make a difference . December 9, 2014 was the annual social and philanthropic event hosted by the […]

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The Co-Founder Trap – Don’t Get Caught

Many startups begin during a brainstorming session among two friends. The emotions are intense; you cannot wait to get started. 80 hour work weeks, shared failures and being broke create solidarity in purpose. But something happens when the company becomes profitable. Some partners want double the effort and some want to double their paycheck. Benevolence is not a universal […]

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What a Night!

Many thanks to all who supported the Atlanta CEO Council Holiday Event on Monday. We raised significant funds for Junior Achievement’s Chick-fil-A Foundation Discovery Center. It was also the chance to introduce many of our members and friends to the Discovery Center and our own collaborative start up storefront “StArTLe”. [print_gllr id=4664]

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What You Missed July 8

It was a terrific crowd at the July 8 Executive Reception. Check out a few of the faces that showed up in the Atlanta Business Chronicle Insider Section. Attendees heard Savannah College of Art and Design Dean of the School of Digital Media Tina O’Hailey discuss some of the groundbreaking work students are doing in digital media […]

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